Wednesday, October 3, 2018

'Tis the season to be thankful

Autumn, the season everybody hates to love.
Or at least those of us who really love Summer (i guess being born in the height of Summer makes my opinion fairly biased).

There are a few reasons why I dislike Autumn. Well, I don't dislike the season, we just have a love-hate relationship. It's complicated. I'm just not a fan of the days that get shorter, the weather that gets colder - which means putting the crop tops and ripped jeans away and layering up on those woolly jumpers. Whilst the woolly jumpers are cute, I much prefer my summer outfits to the autumn ones. Plus, my asthmatic lungs cannot take the weather change too well. Despite my inability to tan (seriously, with my pale complexion, you'd think I was afraid of stepping outside), it's safe to say Summer is definitely my favourite season. Although, it's not just my adoration for the warm weather and longer days as to why I dislike Autumn. The biggest reason I dislike Autumn is because it's another year stuck in the same small town with no new experiences.

Remember how in school, the first day of every year was so thrilling. Who is going to be in my classes this year? Which teachers will I have? And you make more goals for yourself in the school year than you do at New Years (or at least i did!). I just want to experience the adrenaline of the first day back excitement that you get at the start of each academic year. A new beginning, where everything feels possible and you have so many goals for yourself.

Even though a week later, you're back to procrastinating by binge-watching a full season of the newest "popular on Netflix" TV show and cramming in homework an hour before it's due.
But that's not the point.

Although, by the time Autumn rolls around, I think we're all ready for the winter months ahead, no matter how much we love Summer. Whilst it pains me to spend another year in the same town, there's nothing more comforting than knowing that I can come home to the people I love the most when things are stressful and I need a shoulder to cry on. I've also recently learned that the word Autumn began as "autumnus" in latin. "Autu-" actually has Estruscan roots and means "year" whilst the word "autumnus" means "end of". So the term Autumn actually means the end of the year, this season signifies the passing of each year. It's the season to reflect on the year that has gone by as we journey ahead into our new adventure, the year that we're about to embark on. Knowing that I have the ability to reflect on the year that has gone by and the person that I have become means that I'm still growing and learning and I have so much more life to experience. It makes me thankful for the things that have happened so far and that have the possibility of happening in the future year. It gives me a newfound love and respect for myself and the life I currently lead.

Plus, there's also the cute beanie hats, laughter as we kick the crunchy leaves that have fallen from the trees, the beautiful orange colours and the fact that it has finally become cold enough to have a warm drink any time you step foot indoors. Not to mention, HALLOWEEN, I'm not really fussed about dressing up but as an adult, any excuse to eat sweets and chocolate is a good one. So, I may not have new experiences but I have so much to be grateful for. So, I guess the positives of Autumn outweigh the negatives.

In honor of the new season, I have decided to change the theme of the blog and make it something much more seasonal and appropriate. If you have any suggestions as to how I can improve, if there are any edits I can make, or even if there's something you'd really like to see on the blog (i.e. fashion posts - cute season outfits, poetry, "my first..." stories or just any kind of funny anecdote) then send me an email/DM on the links below! My inbox is always open, this blog is for you guys too!

And with that I leave you with,
What are your (least) favourite things about Autumn?
What are you thankful for in this season?

Shine bright Sunshine,
Raye x

"Autumn... the year's last, loveliest smile" - William Cullen Bryant

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