Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Guess who's back again?

Hello guys! I offer my sincerest apologies for the lack of posting over the last couple of months, however due to my work schedule and trying to find time to finish my university applications, I just haven't had the time to write or post any blogs. The very little spare time that I have actually had, I've been so exhausted that I've had no energy or motivation to do anything. It's been a very hectic and emotionally draining few months. Although, it is a new year - 2019 has arrived! - I will be trying my best to post much more frequently. I'm not making it a resolution though, we all know that those never work out as planned. 

So, we've now surpassed Christmas and New Year. We spent the first few days of December decorating our living rooms with tinsel, Christmas trees, baubles and cards from those who we haven't spoken to since the last Christmas card they sent in the previous year. The next few days were spent frantically finding presents for our friends and family whilst trying to stick to a budget due to being incredibly broke. The remaining days leading up to Christmas were spent working and trying to earn money for the 6 week wait between pay days. We celebrated new year with our loved ones or getting drunk, both if you're lucky! And then spent the remainder of January attempting to make £50 last 4 more weeks. 

We’re now coming towards the end of January, University applications have been sent off, -mine included- I have heard back from all of my University choices! Which means it’s now time for the hard part, deciding. Decisions have never been my strong suit, just ask anyone! Okay maybe not anyone, try and ask people who actually know me. It’s the end of the month also means PAYDAY! We’ve all been paid and can live like royalty for the next week, until we spend all our wages and then cry for 3 weeks because we have no money and wonder why we make these rash decisions. Only to repeat them. Honestly, any money spent on making memories is never a waste.

Anyway, In honour of the new year, I've decided to update my blog to something more neutral so that I don't need to change it every season and this way I can focus more on my writing than on the layout! As always, if there's anything you want to know/see on my blog, any advice I can give or that you want to give me or any questions you want to ask feel free to Email/DM me on the links below!

Thank you all for sticking with me through these long two months, I'll write more about those later but for right now, I will be doing all my posts in advance so that I can post twice a week! 

Shine bright sunshines, 
Raye x

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right" - Oprah Winfrey

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